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Join us on Sunday June 23rd for our Annual General Meeting.

From 11:00 am - 1:30 pm at Regatta Beach

Please register for event here


Association Business Meeting

Call to Order 11:00 a.m.

  1. Board introductions

  2. Motion to Approve the minutes of the June 25, 2023 Annual General Meeting

  3. Motion to Approve the Acts and Proceedings of the Board of Directors as stated in the Go Home Lake Cottage Owners Association By-Laws document for the fiscal year ended 2023

  4. Presentation of Financials - Treasurer

  5. Motion to Approve the Financial Statements 2023

  6. Motion to Re-appoint Directors Who’s terms end in 2024

  7. Motion to Remove retiring directors and add new directors for 2024

  8. Motion to adjourn the Business Meeting of 2024 - AGM

  9. President’s Remarks

  10. Presentation – Township of Georgian Bay Public Library   
    Stephanie Clare, CEO
    Jody Bressette, Community Engagement and Programming Manager

  11. Municipal Q&A
    Mayor Peter Koetsier
    District Councilor Brian Bochek
    Councilor Steve Predko

  12. Members Open Forum and Q&A

    Free BBQ for members following meeting

2023 Financial Statements
2024 Treasurers Report
2023 AGM Minutes

May 17

May Long Weekend

July 1

Canada Day Boat Parade